Monday, June 15, 2009

Transsexuality and Intersexuality

I understand an intersexual is someone who has a mixture of male and female traits. For example there are intersexual people who have an ovary and testes. The most familiar type of intersexuals are called the hermaphrodite. There are three types the true hermaphrodite, male psuedohermaphrodite and female psuedohermaphrodite. The true hermaphrodite has one teste and one ovary. The male pseudohermaphrodite is a male based on their chromosomes. They have no ovary but they have some features of female gentiles. Based on their genetics the female psuedohermaphrodite is a female although they do not have they have ovaries. They also have features of male genitalia. These intersexuals are usually a result of increases in certain hormones and or androgen insensitivity. Transexuals are individuals who are born in who believe that they were born in the wrong body. For example transsexual males believe that they were supposed to be a female. This is very startling because these individuals are not sexually ambiguous they are either biological males or biological females and yet the psychological experiences dictates to them otherwise. People make the common mistake with confusing homosexuals with transsexuals. There difference between a homosexual and a transsexual is the homosexual believes that they are who they are biologically but they are sexually attracted to the same sex, where as the transsexual believes that they were supposed to be the opposite sex. Transsexual male likes males because he believes he is a female where as a homosexual male believes he is a male and like males. These transsexuals’ beliefs of themselves are so strong that they would go to great lengths to become the sex in which they believe they are. There are many of them who undergo sex change surgery. This surgery is called Sex reassignment surgery. The sex reassignment surgery is a procedure where males are constructed a virgina, breasts and other female exclusive features. For the women this surgical procedure constructs a penis and other male exclusive features. These individuals will also take hormones to increase and reduce sexually exclusive traits like facial hair, breasts and muscle. The information that I have acquired during this study has been useful to me in the way I will deal with these individuals with sexual anomalies. This information has provided me great insight and now I will refrain from quickly judging a book by its cover.

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