Monday, June 15, 2009

Class evaluation

There are many things I can say about my class room experience but I will attempt to fit it into a reflection that can be read in one sitting. I must begin with the content taught during this class. I found the content to be very appropriate and meaningful. The topics we often discussed in class were relevant and were applicable to real life situations. I found myself in many instances asking the question “How does this information relate to my profession or life in general?” I appreciate how the body of knowledge that I have obtained challenged me to grow as a pre service teacher. One the most intriguing topics discussed during this semester was culture. The many illustrations and example through your life as an educator caused me to reassess how I evaluate culture and the belief, values and attitudes of that culture. I found the work load challenging especially for a six week term. Although it was challenging it was necessary. I felt the work load I experienced will prepare me for my upper level studies and potentially a graduate degree. I am thankful that you did lower standards although the class whimpered murmured, cried and pleaded. I found the work to be very meaningful. The reflections gave me the opportunity to express my thoughts and give meaning to our studies. I believe that the reflections were a very important aspect of the class. The lesson plans were challenging also. I received good grades for my lesson plans prior to this semester. The criterion that was now being asked for the lesson plans caused me to strive towards producing better work. I enjoyed finishing the lesson plans more than doing them. The class as a whole was pretty well behaved. There were few distractions during class and the environment was conducive for learning. I found the computer accessibility in the class helpful through the duration of the semester. If I had to grade the class experience I would give it an “A”. As for the professor, I found your approach to teaching effective. You helped understand things which I was sketchy about and was willing to provide assistance outside of class. Although you set high standards it is evident that you are a professor who cares. I truly feel like for the first time in a long time that I am in college. Your vast knowledge on the topics covered during class surprised me. It is obvious you are a brilliant individual. I appreciate the compliments and the criticism given when needed. If I had to grade you I would give you an “-A” because you never told us exactly what you belief concerning God.

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