Thursday, June 11, 2009


Prejudices is a very touchy topic especially in America where there are many cultures, races, ethnic groups and socioeconomic statuses residing in the same regions. There are many things that I began to reevaluate own beliefs. I looked within myself to see if I held prejudices in my heart. This article explains how easy it is to fall into having prejudices. We often acquire prejudices through what is taught to us by our parents and our society at a very young age. Although we may not be aware of it this prejudices are embed in our minds and we act them out autonomously. Now there are also other prejudices we develop at a later and more develop stage in our lives where we have the ability to reason and think for ourselves. One of the most startling things that I read in these series of articles were the impacts of prejudices. We are often reminded of these things and also might have experienced recently but I still find it disturbing when I observe the facts. These discriminations directly affect the quality of life of citizens which belong to certain groups. There is still discrimination in the work place, school healthcare and housing. I love America but there are many problems which interfere with the freedoms of its own people. What I find to be quite interesting is that I had many prejudices myself. Although these prejudices were not destructive they still qualified me as a prejudice person. I had views on certain types of music and had perceptions of those who listened to it. I think all prejudices begin with separations. If everyone was the same we would not have any reasons to separate people into groups and subgroups. As individuals we belong to many different kind of groups whether it be gender, sexual orientation, occupational, spiritual and so on. Once there is separation then the ideas of superiority is introduced. Those who believe they are superior they begin to view other groups as lesser. These same beliefs are then taught to their children which also belong to these groups. Once these ideas have been successfully transmitted through authority the children who received these prejudice beliefs begin to act them out automatically. Once that child grows to the stage of analyzing data and making rational decisions based on evidence there is a struggle between the taught behaviors and what the know. They act out prejudice behaviors but do not intend on being prejudice and destructive. This is how racial bigotry survived in our country by instilling behaviors into the next generation.

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