Monday, June 15, 2009

The Holocaust

There is much to say about the atrocities of the Holocaust. I must begin with discussing how Hitler was able to accomplish such a crime that redefines hate. In order to slaughter millions of innocent people one must first dehumanize them. I believe it would be difficult to murder millions of people if one is constantly reminded of how these targeted individuals are human. Once one has successfully convinced the general population that the target race, ethnic group or culture is less than human then it is easy to exterminate them. In the eyes of most who participated in this repulsive hate crime the victims where nothing more than animals. Hitler was applauded by his followers because they perceived him as doing the world a great service. One often observes the worst comes of people in groups. There are behaviors that people do not exhibit unless they are in group or crowd and they find safety in the multitudes. Understanding this concept I’m sure that there were many that were participators and they performed orders that they would not have if they did not have reinforcements and encouragement by those around them. Now let’s observe the problems that have been a so far. We have a neurotic charismatic leader, a ethnic group or groups that targeted and labeled as less than human, a are a nation that adores him, institutionalization of these ideologies and his ideology and the general population reinforcing these heinous ideas. This is the recipe for a holocaust. I find it very disturbing and the worse part about this event is that it can happen anywhere and is still happening in other places in the world. The testimonies of those that survived are compelling, stomach turning and touching. The Jews and other ethnic groups suffered unimaginably at the hands of Hitler and the Nazis. I found that those who survived and have moved passed those horrors in their lives prove the resiliency of those people. As for those who do not believe it really happened, I believe they are insensitive, sadistic and foolish. When some individuals say it didn’t really happen I believe they are trying to find a way to not hold themselves accountable for what happened. It is sad that people can actually make that people have the boldness to even speak those words out loud. That is a feeble attempt to clear their conscious of wrong doing. I find it disgusting and disappointing that these events happened and even more depressing that people can say that it never occurred.

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