Thursday, June 11, 2009

Transformation: Awareness and Consciousness

The article “Transformation: Awareness and Consciousness” presented some very interesting theories. I haven’t given much thought to the ideas and theories of consciousness and awareness up until this point. I believe the article has a much deeper significance than trying to explain awareness with quantum mechanics and quantum field theories. I understand when undergoing the process of transformation there should be a continual awareness one of one’s self and environment. Transformation cannot take place unless we are conscious of our need to transform. For example your front tire has a leak and air is slowly escaping each day, because you are not aware of this issue you continue to drive your car as if there weren’t anything wrong. By the end of that week your tire is completely flat. Initially you saw no reason what so ever to change the tire but once the tire was flat it was made plain to you that you need a new tire. When you changed the tire it was transformative for your car. It transformed you car from being inoperable to fully functional. This is the same concept in which awareness ushers the process of transformation. Through my readings I learned that consciousness is just a part of awareness and that there are three aspects consciousness according to some theorist. The article also discusses eight levels of consciousness which I found to be very fascinating. I found the contents of this article quite extensive or detail. I guess I can say that awareness and consciousness is a complex and immersive process as it relates to transformation. One illustration I found to be true and also interesting is the awareness of the human body even during sleep. While the human body is sleep it is keeping track of its surroundings. Certain noises and or words can trigger the human body during sleep like someone yelling “fire” or the sound of a baby crying. But what I found interesting also is how the human body does not react to other sounds during sleep like sirens, thunder, rain and etc. This article stimulated my mind and brought some things to the light that is not often thought about. We are all aware and conscious but sometimes we are not conscious of our own consciousness and awareness. This may sound weird but it is true. I do not spend time thinking about my consciousness sometimes I just go through life ripping and running, but when I do slow down for a second I realize that I am alive, conscious and aware.

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