Thursday, June 11, 2009

Frameworks, Paradigms, Paradigm shifts

A paradigm contains a set of beliefs which constructs one’s reality. These beliefs do not necessarily have to be true, but in according to the individual the beliefs are truths. Paradigms also dictate one’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors. One can live a lifetime and not shift particular paradigms even if they are challenged by scientific evidence, another individual opinion or perception, or even defining moments in one’s life. For example when we can that certain cultures assimilate or make connection that good fortune comes from pleasing a certain deity. No matter the circumstance it directly related to the mood of the deity that they appeal to. If the nation was ravaged by an epidemic it was because they the nation has fail to walk upright in the eyes of God and this is their reality (paradigm). A paradigm shift happens when one can no longer explain problems, situation and phenomenon with the paradigm that they have previously learned. The foundations of the first paradigm is weakened one would have to change their perception and replace the old paradigm with a new one. I myself have experienced paradigm shifts throughout my life. Being raised in a traditional Baptist home a lot of beliefs were imposed on me from a young age. I was taught that wearing dress clothes to church was a from of reverence and God considered that to be righteous. I was also taught that women should not wear pants to church and other really trivial beliefs concerning scripture. But through my long observation in other’s behaviors at church and at home I did not see a direct correlation between dress and holiness. Also I found in my studies of scripture that man looks on the outside but God looks at the heart. Once I was faced with these observations I had to change my thinking or shift paradigms. As a pre service educator the paradigm shift experience is going to happened as long a I continue to learn. Ideas and assumptions will constantly be challenged and even torn down. New Ideas will replace the old and paradigm will shift to ultimately equip me to be an effective educator. Paradigm shift another part of transformation and is necessary for growth.

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