Monday, June 15, 2009


I believe there can be many intrinsic factors that can lead to homosexuality. I do know that scientist cannot pin point a exact cause for homosexuality. I am also aware of the scientific research that is being conducting today where scientist looking for genes that can be a predisposition for homosexuality. One way I believe how homosexuals come to be is experiences during early childhood and adolescents. Children who display a secure attachment that greatly exceed the attachment between the child and the same sex can be a predisposition for homosexuality. This idea sounds funny to most people because of the concepts of “mama’s boy” and “Daddy’s girl”. There have been many studies which demonstrate many homosexual men having a great sense of security in their mothers as opposed to their fathers. As young boy bonding with your father is important. Through the bond of a father, sons learn how to socialize and connect with boys in school. Here is the problem when this does not occur these young boys tend to assimilate themselves with what they are familiar with. Since these young boy bonded with their mothers and not their fathers when they start school they associate themselves with the opposite sex. During early years of childhood children begin to demonstrate gender associated play. These boys who are comfortable with girls still have the desire to bond with males but if not handled properly this desire to be with other boys become sexual. For many homosexual men these experiences of sexual desire for the same sex start around ten years of age. This desire become increasingly great and drives them to becoming full blown homosexuals. There are other ways people become homosexual like traumatic life experience like rapes and molestation. After my studies my views of homosexuals have not really changed. I think because of my beliefs and values as a Christian people think I hate homosexuals or I am homophobic but, this is far from the truth. I live in Miami shores and have plenty of homosexual neighbors in which I socialize with from time to time. I do not agree with their life style but I do not consider them to be less than human. My studies help me to have a greater empathy for them. I learned as young boy to love my neighbors as myself and this principle has translated into all areas of my life. I find the general population and even some Christians to not act in love concerning individuals who hate and hold bitterness in their hearts towards homosexuals. In closing, I do not believe we can ever explain why and how every homosexual has come to be.

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